Emmy Rossum says shes never done drugs, but people call her coke wh-re
These are photos of Emmy Rossum on the LA set of Shameless (with snow!) as her Fiona character searches for drugs as she wears a house-arrest ankle bracelet. Fiona is on one amazing downward spiral this season. I am not up to speed on episodes (I only watched the first season so far), but Dustin at Pajiba has been discussing Fiona’s fate in detail.
Emmy Rossum visited CBS This Morning to promote the show. This girl (thankfully) is so drastically different from her character. She’s already talked once about how she does not share Fiona’s quality of promiscuity. Fiona’s also gotten herself into serious legal trouble involving her character’s occasional cocaine use. Emmy says she’s never done drugs. Ever. Here are some excerpts from the interview:
On fan reactions: Rossum, said that she used to get “a lot of love” from fans of the show, but since her character has been in “such a downward spiral” it’s been different. “I was at Carnegie Deli and a guy came up to me and was like, ‘Coke whore!’ And kept walking, so it’s definitely intense.”
Fiona’s plight: “She’s been kind of the core of this lower-income family from Chicago for a long time. Parents are M.I.A. She’s kind of trying to raise all of her siblings by herself and this year she’s kind of struggling with some substance abuse problems that … she’s kind of genetically predisposed to having.”
Emmy’s snorting scenes: “(The milk powder is) going somewhere into your brain cavity. It’s not good. I told them they could have two takes per nostril and that was it. I was putting a limit on it.”
The show’s success: “It’s dark, but there’s a lot of humor to it. I think we deal with things in a kind of very brazen way. There’s nothing we’re scared of. We kind of push the limits. At the core it’s really about a family and loyalty. And that’s why people actually care about the characters and invest in them the way they do.”
On William H. Macy: “He’s a wonderful actor. It’s really fun to work with him.”
[From CBS This Morning
I have no trouble believing that Emmy’s never done drugs. Not everyone in Hollywood attends all-night ragers and acts like Lindsay Lohan. I suspect most actors are trying to do their jobs, and drugs interfere with that. It really is terrible that a guy walked up to Emmy and called her a “coke wh-re.” Can’t people separate actors from their characters? I guess not.
Here’s a weird selfie from Emmy’s Instagram page. She attended the White Glove Gone Wild gala and endured an unexpected guest down the front of her dress.
Photos courtesy of Emmy Rossum on Instagram & WENN